Administrative Access to Servers


To manage instances, you will use a remote connection (RDP), which gives you, as the operator, full access to server resources. Regular users do not have access to the Administration Portal.

The procedure described below is supported only by the Google Chrome browser using Microsoft Windows. If you use another browser and Operating System combination, you should open a ticket requesting credentials.

As an operator, you need to access the Auto.Sky Administration Portal and choose the Client you need to manage. Then select the Images page from the left panel to see the instances assigned to the Application Environment.

The Support Instance is usually a Server (with Database) from the Application Environment. You can interact with both the Server and the Template instance through the Actions button on the right side of each instance.

When you access a server using this process for the first time, you should install the Auto.Sky plugin in the Login window by clicking the Download Plugin button:

After that, just follow the installation instructions from step 5 of this guide (Windows) and this guide (macOS).

After you finish installation of the Auto.Sky Plugin, you will be able to launch an RDP session from the Administration Portal. When you click on Connect as <user>, the browser will call the RDP client already installed on you computer with the information needed for you to connect to the instance.


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